ARES was our ally and finally allowed the slam, almost at the end.


Talking about VARATHRON is not talking about any commercial BLACK METAL band and much less from Greece. Contemporaries to ROTTING CHRIST in time, but not in scene, because they are very different. Of course, both are extraordinary.

A band formed in Athens, in 1988 but that I unfortunately met until 2004 with CROWSREIGN, and I say unfortunate, because unlike Rotting Christ, I have enjoyed every damn second of every song on all their albums. But I'm up to date now.

VARATHRON is the band that has been concerned with cleaning, shaking, accommodating and giving a first-class aesthetic to Black Metal in the Hellenic scene; and for the same reason, it is an Atmospheric Black Metal, based mainly on its Greek culture and mythology.


Their lyrics range from epic and totally melodic passages, and show some very atmospheric and mystical keyboards, which accompany them live.

We experienced mythology and occultism just last Saturday night in the Bernardo Quintana venue, called “Barra Habana” that despite their assholes pseudo sound engineers, the band gave a tremendous lesson on why they are one of the best exponents of Black Metal worldwide.

At eight o'clock at night, the band went on stage to present stories of gods, heroes, ancient rituals; and of course, about occultism, ancient history and an excellent mythology of their native Greece.

And with just seven albums of great power, they have shown the world an excellent level of composition and lyrics that not every band has. They are deep lyrics, so that we can really appreciate them and ride at a fast pace like knights of the apocalypse, or as Ares would do attacking every human being, under total destruction.

We were few fans, and the power was unleashed at the end, because the “SLAM” arrived late under the stage. And there, right at that moment, was the orgasm we needed, to feel that complacency and pleasure of listening to a pure, total and absolute BLACK METAL of enormous quality.

I was fascinated by TENEBROUS and the great UNHOLY FUNERAL, of course, leaving “GENESIS OF APOCRYPHAL DESIRE” for the end.


Thirsty for much more black metal, but after Haris Kokkinos threw a drumstick into the audience, the damn nostalgia and sadness began, because it was the end. On this occasion my long arms did not help much and I was left wanting to have that drumstick.

This tour is for their recent album, from 2023, “THE CRIMSON TEMPLE” which demonstrates and confirms the reason for being classified as one of the best bands in the scene of this genre, which is music for the soul and the heart.


An album that explores the concept of sacred and profane spaces, using the image of temples and rituals to delve into themes of spirituality and transcendence. A must-have for any record collection.

Today, a day later, there is that nostalgic and melancholic feeling of wanting to go back in time, and be back in front of the stage enjoying these Greeks.

But I hope they return soon and I can be there with them again.

Achilleas (Pic by:  Brenda Elianne)

An extraordinary evening, and a thousand thanks to my fellow Headbangers, Brenda and Ricardo.




Carlos, Ricardo, Brenda & Marco.


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