Appealing Lucifer from Querétaro

By Carlos Zaldivar

I thought for a moment about the “capital sin” that I would enter into, by not getting, due to confidence and indecision, a ticket for this enormous concert, which took place at the SALA ARPA on February 16th, here in Querétaro.

And finally, without going into details, the day arrived.

After a meal with friends and a spectacular day, with lots of sun, suddenly it started to get cloudy, and I felt a cold, slightly icy wind. It was the indicator that the Greek band, the TOLIS brothers, had arrived in the city.

The rain began and I walked towards the historic center, at a slow pace, enjoying the water on my skin, and the wind on my face. I imagined and babbled ROTTING CHRIST'S songs inside me, I was preparing myself.

Inside the room, among friends, we did a photo session, and the stage was prepared to receive the band from Guadalajara: PHANTOM, who discussed and gave everything up there.

A short time passed, they changed the drums, and suddenly: the lights went out. At this moment, my skin crawled, because the moment I had been waiting for more than three decades had arrived, a moment that would completely fulfill me musically.

I was seconds away from witnessing one of my favorite BLACK METAL bands: ROTTING CHRIST. One of the best that Greece has seen grow.

And then, the Greek GOD, SAKIS, came out to shake with his guitar and voice to start a sublime playlist with “666”, and then, everything changed.

THEMIS plays behind the drums, showing the power of the percussion that so characterizes these Greeks; SPADES on the bass and secondary vocals and at the other end to KOSTIS and the brutal power of the strings on his guitar.

Tremendous performance that we enjoyed, because then “P'unchaw kachun- Tuta kachun” and “Demonon Vrosis” came so that SAKIS invited a slam, simply by turning his index finger; and so it happened.

The wonderful “Kata Ton Daimona Eaytoy” and “Apage Satana” arrived to stun the fans. The excitement and adrenaline were at their maximum in our souls. They were excellent moments.

The emotion was at its peak, we shouted and sang so hard that the deafness and hoarseness lasted us a day, but it was well worth it.

“In the Name of God”, “Pix Lax Dax”, “King of a Stellar War”, “Archon”, “Non Serviam”, and of course, the inflatable “Societas Satanas” arrived and already that liquid that runs through our veins, was burning with fullness of joy; They followed “In Yumen-Xibalba”, the fabulous “Grandis Spiritus Diavolos”, “The Raven”, “Noctis Era” and closed with “The Sign of Evil Existence” and “Fgmenth, Thy Gift”.

This mass, which I attended, has left an indelible mark on the soul, heart and mind. I will never forget these moments.

And it was then that the lights turned on.

The holy mass was over, but the MEET & GREET session was missing, of course. So, I waited another hour and happiness continued, closing this fabulous day with a flourish: SAKIS signed my ROTTING CHRIST t-shirt, thanked me, hugged me and we took a photograph.

A million thanks.

Incredible that SAKIS, a character classified as blasphemous, sacrilegious, satanic and evil (you know, it's marketing) is the complete opposite in person: upright, humble, good-natured, smiling and a good human being.


Thank you ROTTING CHRIST for existing.

ROTTING CHRIST forever and ever.


Thanks to my metal headbangers friends: Alex, Ricardo, Gama, Raúl, Emilia, Brenda, Max & Fernando.

And I missed you!

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