The Last Path



The Last Path



By Carlos Zaldívar




All music written, performed, recorded and produced by Alex Becerra, except: In Prelude to the Passing of Humankind / The Unveilings:

• Saxophone and clarinet solos - written, performed and recorded by Valeria Dávila.

• Female vocals - performed and recorded by Valeria Dávila.

• Trumpet - performed and recorded by Alan Fajardo.

• Lyrics adapted from a poem by Alejandro H. Monarres.

All other lyrics written by Alex Becerra.

Special thanks to Patrons: Yi-Ping Huang / orellevi9 / Raven / Jan Veenstra / Dann the Artistic Autistic

Cover art: The Lost Path (1863), by Frederick Walker.



* It is my interpretation, and may differ from the author's.

1. Prelude to the Passing of Humankind / The Unveilings 16:13

Wonderful 16:13 track that starts with classical guitar, percussion and emotionally captivates you.

And at 2:30 it flows, the instruments move away so that the drums enter at minute 3, slowly.

3.30 and the electric guitars come in... The mind is already wandering through other dimensions and shortly after 4:00 the heart-breaking riffs come in.

And for the 5th the instruments arrive with more power and the growls appear. Huge fucking voice.

Here you are already trapped in a feeling, in an emotion. You're already hooked.

6:30 the choirs enter, as if to “cuddle” and to “comfort you”.

The author feels depressed. I feel depressed. And at 7:18 again the powerful gutturals squeeze your heart.

You feel lost and you take shelter with the image of the cover. You feel trapped.

Shortly before the 9th, everything stops, a classical guitar caresses your broken heart, immerses you in fresh air.

You feel inhuman, that you don't belong to this world.

And shortly before the tenth, the winds appear, in the instruments, in the form of regret, of a soft and penetrating pain. Hurts.

At 11:15 the wonderful female voice of Valeria arrives, it cuddles you. Everything slows down and suddenly, at 11:42, Mothers! Growls explode with magnificent gutturals to the max. It hurts and you want to break your bones against the wall, you want suicide and come out unscathed to repeat the same act over and over again. At 12:40 pm, Valeria's voice returns to reassure you.

Calm, Calm; Valeria, hug you.

By the 14th, the strings begin to stain your soul with peace.

The story stops at 14:29 and some simple and atypical strings arrive to let you know that you are not alone, that you are just beginning to live.

And slowly the instruments begin to move away, and the wind is heard and they give way to:

2. Of Chaos Is Born the Night 10:05

A scorching and dense climate of sad, squeezing guitars begins.

The day is over, and darkness surrounds you.

True, when they say that there is a light at the end, but the inter, nobody knows what happens. It's a unique depression, it's private, it's lonely.

You writhe in your bed and barely 10 seconds before the 2 minutes mark, the percussions start to rumble in your brain. Hey, move… enjoy the pain, the depression, and feel alive.

The song is dense.

The story is heavy.

The meaning hurts.

At minute 3 a riff enters and another and another... and the drums quicken the pace for the gutturals, which enter at 3:15 with indescribable good sense and lyrics.

The story goes fast, it's about getting out of depression, at the right time, not before or after... the instruments go at your pace. they follow you

At minute 5, those spectacular gutturals yell into your ear. They go for all your peace of mind; they will protect it.

Chaos inhabits your mind, body and soul.

Those gutturals accommodate your emotions and feelings accompanied by some fast guitars, very fast, and you already want the night to end, the darkness and go ahead, into the light.

As soon as the instruments calm down at minute 7, the pace of the race slows down, the depression seems to subside.

Already for the 8th minute, a powerful riff is heard coming, it is rising, it warns you that the voice is coming in powerfully, to yell at you that you will be appeased and at any moment tranquillity will arrive.

Be patient.

Enjoy the chaos.

Enjoy the pain.

At 9:25 the end of the chaos is announced.

Everything slows down... you start to breathe not so fast.

you rest.

And then, dawn comes and comes:

3. Aftermath 04:36

With a soft piano, it's already dawned. You open your eyes. The pain is there, but it doesn't hurt. You don't feel it anymore.

A piano that you enjoy... and the minute the voices come in to hug you.

The damage count becomes a difficult task. You avoid her.

Words comfort.

you think.

You meditate.

Your whole life goes through your mind in just these four and a half minutes.

The piano, there it is. You listen to it and at minute 3, the totally heart-breaking voice is heard, of suffering and regret.

A voice that pierces your soul, but it is for you to be well.

It is the sequel, it is the requiem, of your depression.

And to the rhythm of the heart, the piano and the voice recede...

There is a pause, and it is the turn for:

4. Efflorescence / Dirge for Nameless Graves 16:50

With slow, slow strings...

You survived, and the first thought is: Why am I still alive?

A clean, clear and calm voice speaking in the ear, explains to you.

There are many graves and none have your name. You're not on the list, yet.

It's not the time.

Your time is this.

It is time to enjoy what has been lived, to reconsider and to plan again. Flow with life itself.

By minute 3 the slightly heavier riffs enter.

They make you meditate.

And 15 seconds before minute 4 the guitars are quickly picked up, and you begin to analyse your attitude to life.

You keep meditating.

And the gutturals arrive 15 seconds before minute 5, to remind you of your commitment to life.

For some reason, the graves don't have names. They are on hold.

And they will wait for a long time.

By 6:30 they calm down, voice and instruments. They are heard in the distance.

And before minute 7, a riff that warns you that they won't leave, but they will be on the lookout.

And by 7:30 they return with more power, the screams are deafening and it seems that you lose track of life, but remember: you were depressed.

By the 8th minute, the voices chase you, they yell at you and they are constant.

At 9:30, it looks like a drum duel, and they cry out for your patience and health, for your life.

At 10:30 it is a duel between guitars and drums, they fight for your soul.

Don't worry.

It's a deep speed metal.

It becomes Thrash.

Your life thanks you.

Your mind, body and soul are satisfied.

You're fighting the fucking depression.

For the 13th minute, a wind enters and the instruments calm down.

Acoustic guitar, sad and the exodus begins.

They finish off some riffs at 13:30 and accompany the first strings… at the exit.

Time advances.

The wounds do not disappear, but they no longer hurt.

You learn to live with them.

The heart-breaking voice says goodbye...

It's already minute 15 and you also want to scream.

At 3:30 p.m. they leave... they say goodbye

And at 15:50 silence. Enter the Eucharistic organ to celebrate life.

Or could it celebrate the new life, after death?

Depression is like being dead in life. You have no conscience.

And with the organ in ecstasy, this masterpiece is finished.

It's a FUCKING hardcore.

And as an epilogue, there is:

5. Requiem Aeternam (Silencio) 1:22

Starting the voice clear and without instruments.

So that you literally exclaim in a low voice:

No sirve más, contar las horas

No queda nada más que sombras y…




It doesn't work anymore, counting the hours

There's nothing left but shadows and...





It is a majestic, sublime and sublime work of MEXICAN Black Metal.



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