Mars Project.



My idea of ​​space was vague when I was in elementary school. I became a fan of aeronautics and one of my dreams was to go to NASA. Then in high school I realized that many arguments I had about space were wrong. Simply: because there is not a single god who could create such spectacular nature. Years later the dream was (and still is) going to space.

Later I went to NASA (FL) and the hard facts of several postulates were confirmed. Scientific readings on the exploration of space have opened up a little bit more doubt about the existence of life on other planets, or simply, in the vast universe. The mistake is that many think that life on other planets must be "similar" to the human. And not.

I met the first Mexican astronaut, Dr. Rodolfo Neri Vela, with whom in an emotional interview, I was able to conclude other approaches about black holes, the option of other universes being parallel to ours and the existence of another type of life in them.

The outer space was already conquered. The moon has already been conquered. Spacecrafts still traveling and continue a huge voyage for decades throughout the universe. Now the next step is to colonize Mars and prepare them for human life.

There was already a first call for "terrestrial people" where they can be part of the "Mars Project" and that someday in 2026 they will land on Mars. Now I expect the second call for the same project. The chances that I can be a candidate and be chosen are exaggeratedly minimal... but, what if I am elected? To think of a trip without return, to Mars, is still little conceivable for all candidates.
Now, after completing the course offered by Monash University through Future Learn online, and reading many testimonies and opinions from my classmates, I have more facts to follow with the same decision, or to abort the project.

A classmate commented that "it seems that Mars does not want us to go, because there are enough challenges to solve". And when we hardly solve one, then appear two more.

And there are four main factors that must be answered to think about a journey without return to the red planet: Water, Energy, Food and Oxygen; among other elements.
And in reviewing the Mars project, it would seem that everything is solved.
Those that are emerging, surely will also be solved. And it must be fast, because anyway, although the launch will be for 2026, we just have barely 10 more years missing.

My teachers.

But you also have to think about the emotional and psychological issue for the first astronauts.
Another classmate commented that at some point, during the stay there, someone should think about the return to Earth. And it is not going to be like this: it will be a journey without return, it will be like dying in life, on Earth, from where we would have to say goodbye to all and let go of any cause that could tie us here.

In these four weeks of the course, I learned many other subjects, about physics, geology, biology, chemistry and even math. Many hours per week, readings, videos, investigations, researches, quizzed and mainly, discussions between us (Teachers, mentors and students).

Thank you so much.

I will post from Mars in a decade.

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