Lisa Simpson: Unoffical Biography

LISA SIMPSON (an unofficial biography)

By Mauricio Coronel

Lisa was born in Springfield, U. S., she lived, studied and got famous up there before she moved to Mexico. We don´t know by sure how it was but she became a great writer. This unofficial biography is about how she died. We all know is different from the rest of her family: Homer is a dull, Marge is a classical housewife; Maggy will be a punk and Bart doesn´t count. Lisa is a fantastic cartoon character, why she had a tragic end?

At age of 22 Lisa published her first novel. This book is about failure, loneliness and defeat; the subject was inspired by his own father. Immediatly became a success, sold over a million copies. Suddenly big money enter in the Simpson´s family. Homer was happy as never before, Bart thought quit the series so just hanging around. At first, Lisa was satisfied but then she got sad. She didn´t like the way things got.

Lisa was getting sad and sad; she forgot the world and started to drink. She hid herself in a dusty town in Mexico, where I met her, and wrote other books. Years after, she was found dead by an overdosis of alcohol. I was the last one to see her alive. The night before she dead we were drinking and talking about many shit. She liked tequila and mexican beers: she expected to die at any time, she was hopeful to become a human but I told her that would be a misfortune. I shouldn´t said that, she was already miserable.

If I write this biography is not just because a sense of duty. I want to tell the world that she wrote many others fantastic books. You really should read it. I was very lucky to met her, I thing she will be called the best american writer of XXI Century.

Mauricio Coronel

May 1999.

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